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午前7:30 - 15:30




​① 7:30〜




  • 安全講習

    • 安全に走行するための注意事項をご説明します。

  • サドルの調整

    • 走行しやすい高さを調節します。

  • 乗り方レクチャー

    • 自転車の乗り降りの仕方やブレーキ・ギアの使い方について、安全に走行するための基礎知識をレクチャーします。​


② 9:10〜



  • 是政駅(所要時間:約 40分)

    • サイクルトレインに乗車します。

    • お手洗いや水分補給も行います。

  • サイクルトレインとは?

    • 西武多摩川線の是政駅から武蔵境駅の区間で利用可能な自転車を載せることができる電車で、通常の乗車券のみで乗車可能です。

    • 乗車可能なのは1号車のみ、1人1台の計8台までとなっています。

    • 詳細は西武多摩川線サイクルトレインご利用案内をご参照ください

④ 12:00〜
ランチ@Pizzeria CERVO さん

多摩湖に向かうサイクリングロード沿いにある釜焼きのピザ屋さんPizzeria CERVOさんでランチとなります。

  • ​Pizzeria CERVOさん

    • 昨年​8月にオープンした、​本格的な石窯で焼き上げるナポリピザを堪能できるピザ屋さんです。

    • 当日はピザだけでなく、女性に大人気の自家製ピクルスやサラダ、ソーセージなどをご用意していただきます。


③ 11:00〜


  • 多摩湖

    • 多摩湖、狭山公園で観光を行います。

    • ​狭山団子や近くのお店でソフトクリームなどがあります。集合地点には、レジャーシートで簡易的な休憩所も確保します。

    • ぜひ皆さんで記念撮影をしましょう!




How to join

RIDEAWAY rents bikes with reservation-only system.
Before starting the procedures of the tour, please sign up.

Please reserve the bike of your choice from "My Page". the reservation must be made for the date of the tour you have applied for.


*Please set the time for your reservation at the time when the bike you chose is available. (The system may not allow you to make a reservation at the start time, but actually bicycles will be available in the day of the tour.)

Please apply for participating the tour.

You can apply for the tour by the application form.

Please fill out the form and register.
Multiple persons can participate.

1. ​




How to join

Clothes that are easy to move around in

  • 靴はスニーカーがおすすめです(自転車はすべてフラットペダルです)

  • 裾が汚れる可能性があるため、裾の広いパンツは避けてください。

  • 気温が高い日は走行後の着替えの準備もおすすめです。

  • 安全のため、グローブの着用をおすすめしております(店頭販売有り)


  • It will be used when you buy some bread or souvenirs

  • It must be carried on your back so that both hands are free.


  • For hydrating. There are some vending machines around stores.

  • You can carry PET bottle or water bottle with bottle holder each bike has.


  • In the tour, please follow staff instructions for safety.

  • Please put on a rental or your own helmet.

  • If you are too bad at riding a bike, the staffs might stop you from participating.

  • If you want to know more about bicycle liability insurance of RIDEAWAY, please check here.

  • The event may be cancelled due to weather or social conditions. Participants will be notified by e-mail or other means.

  • The end time may vary depending on the pace of the participants.

Registration & Reserving a road bike

If you have some question, please contact us casually by the form in this website.

  • I'm new to sport bikes. can I participate?

    • We will conduct a training session at the beginning so that beginners can participate.
      *No problem for those who can ride a city bike.

  • How much physical fitness is required? Will we ride up hills?

    • The course is basically flat, so even those who are not confident in their physical fitness can participate.
      Even beginners can run 40km lightly, so please don't worry.

  • Can more than one person participate?

    • Multiple participants are welcome.
Up to two people can apply at the same time.
      If there are more than 3 people, please write your name and the number of people in the "Remarks" column on the application form.

  • If more than one person is participating, do they need to register individually?

    • If more than one person is participating in the tour, one person can register as a representative on the tour application form.
      Please register and reserve each person's bike individually.

  • I have an allergy. Can I change my lunch?

    • If you have allergies, please notify our staff when you visit the restaurant on the day of your tour.
      We will take your allergy into consideration and change the lunch menu.

  • Is there a place to change clothes? Can I leave my luggage there?

    • You can change your clothes in the restroom.

      Luggage lockers with locks are available.

  • Are there any tips or cautions when running with a group?

    • There are a few things to keep in mind.
      We will provide information on hand signs and other important points when riding in a group on the day of the training.
      You can participate without any prior knowledge. 



RIDEAWAY Nakanojima Home Eclage 6-11-1 Nakanojima, Tama-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 214-0012
TEL: 090-8011-0031

  • Nakanoshima platform usage guide

  • Tachikawa base usage guide

  • List of cross road bikes

  • event list

  • Road bike beginner course


RIDEAWAY Tachikawa Base 1-18-24 Shibasaki-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-0023 Palcourt Shibasaki 1F
TEL: 090-8011-0031

  • Recommended courses and spots

  • Road bike test ride base service

  • Cycle shop mutual introduction

  • News & Press Releases

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